Students from Boston, Brockton, Lawrence, Lynn and Worcester honored

June 6, 2024 (BOSTON) - Keolis Commuter Services (Keolis), operating partner for the MBTA Commuter Rail, announced today that it has awarded a total of $50,000 in scholarships to 25 local students as part of the 2024 Keolis Scholars program. The students were selected from five cities in the Commuter Rail service area: Brockton, Boston, Lawrence, Lynn, and Worcester. The students can use the $2,000 gift to help pay for post-secondary education or job training.

Each academic year since 2015-2016, Keolis collaborates with cities and school districts with large populations of underserved communities and first-generation families to select Keolis Scholars and distribute the awards, which were based on both merit and financial need.

An event was held at the State House to celebrate these students and their families, along with local and state officials, including Secretary of Transportation Monica Tibbits-Nutt.

“We are grateful to Keolis Commuter Services for its continued corporate commitment to giving back to the communities served by MBTA Commuter Rail in the way of scholarships to worthy students,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Monica Tibbits-Nutt. “This year’s scholars are ‘dreaming big’ as they look forward to their high school graduations and going on to careers in a variety of sectors, including science, technology, engineering, and math, and we are pleased to partner with Keolis and local schools to help them achieve their goals.”

“At Keolis, we are committed to partnering with the communities we serve to create opportunities and support the next generation of leaders,” said Abdellah Chajai, CEO and General Manager of Keolis Commuter Services. “It was an honor to celebrate each of these Keolis Scholars alongside local and state officials at the State House today. Congratulations to the students who have been chosen as recipients for their achievements and contributions during high school."

2024 Keolis Scholarship Awardees in Boston:

  • Sucreily Perez Arias
  • Trinnatee Boykins
  • Kydell Morgan
  • Damani Williams
  • Yiying Zhong

2024 Keolis Scholarship Awardees in Brockton:

  • Kesmyn Andrade Alves
  • Dimonika Bray
  • Luna Teixeira Correia
  • Fatoumata Madina Dansoko

2024 Keolis Scholarship Awardees in Lawrence:

  • Michelle Hannan
  • Nicole Bisono Medrano
  • Naira Poleo Sanchez
  • Ryan Mac
  • Warly Sanchez

2024 Keolis Scholarship Awardees in Lynn:

  • Jordan Alas
  • Salone Dugue Lopera
  • Janice Cabral Martinez
  • Shady Osorio Sandoval
  • Anderson Blanco Zapata

2024 Keolis Scholarship Awardees in Worcester:

  • Edmond Dotse
  • Sweeta Ghimiray
  • Sadaqat Khan
  • Taurean Jimenez
  • Noelani Negron

Keolis Commuter Services is now in its tenth year operating and maintaining the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s commuter rail system, the fifth largest commuter rail operation in North America. KCS is a subsidiary of Keolis North America (KNA), both headquartered in Boston, and employs approximately 2,400 people throughout the region. KCS and KNA are part of Keolis Group, an innovative global leader in transit services with more than a century of passenger transportation experience and operations in 13 countries.
